The Melnard HTML Virtual Table Top
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Updates 8/18/2012 9AM
Page Drawing is fixed (except there is a problem on
gateway transfers. refresh to get the right map)
Shadows are fixed-fixed-fixed
Character login has a drop box for selecting maps by NAME (I would think much easier to look around)
On Moonpennies Markai: Their is a purple trigger box that opens and closes a door. Still working on best way to display this. Will be easier once I have an animated particle layer.
Pan and zoom is fixed and quick.
Next steps:
more trigger types
* popups are their just havn't placed any.
* Sound effects are coded but not tested
* Spawn Points are coded but not tested
I will open up character editing shortly
I have to improve my editors to increase map creation speed
Hex Grid Grand Tactical soon.
Can't think of anything else. Lemmino if questions.